Being Ardent About Life
Being Ardent About Life - The ARDENT personal Development Program. How to take a closer look at your life, develop and understand your values system, set and reach goals, succeed and enjoy life to its fullest.
The six steps of the acronym of the ARDENT Programme are:
- Assess - your current situation, the way you live and why you act as you do.
- Recognise - where any faults are, how your habits affect your life and the alternatives to your current reactions to situations.
- Determine - what your strengths are, what areas of your life need to be improved, what your personal values are and determine your priorities in life to achieve self-esteem and success.
- Employ - good character and success-strengthening principles into your life, your priorities and values system.
- Negate - bad habits by replacing them with pro-social and pro-achievement principles reflected in your new-found priorities.
- Transform - your life into one of good character and personal achievement, knowing what is most important in your life and live a healthy, happy, enthusiastic, productive and successful life.
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